Thursday, July 4, 2013

Day 1 - Master Cleanse program

So I finally fell for the fat loss factor program in a desperate need to lose weight. I've tried everything, aminoacid shots, crazy diets, shakes, reams, pills, exercise. Nothing seemed to work. Did insanity for a LONG time and yoga right afterwards, and although I liked how my body started to look, the scale just wouldn't go down.

Along with the FLF program, the first section calls out for the master cleanse program to detoxify your liver and digestive system. I did further research - it appears this has been an ongoing program for quite a while among folks that want a healthier living etc, so I'm giving it a try.

The master cleanse program (and Lemonade) diet (according to consists of:

1) Drinking 8oz glass of room temperature water w/2 teaspoons of sea salt.
2) Drinking a lemonade made with 2 tablespoons of pure lemon or lime juice, Grade B pure maple syrup, 1/10th teaspoon cayenne pepper and water throughout the day (only).
3) Drinking a light laxative tea at night.

Theoretically this is supposed to clean your digestive system, detoxify your liver (in charge of processing fats etc) and thus help you lose weight.

Grade B Maple syrup is supposed to be the best of the best.  Harvested later in the season it has a much stronger flavor and a lot more minerals and vitamins and who knows what else than the regular (Grade A) syrup. In my case, I could not find grade B (strongly recommended to look online) so I am using grade A this time. If the program works, I will repeat the master cleanse with grade B I will purchase online.

Amazon offers this great 10 day master cleanse package to be delivered to your front door... not sure how far the price goes but it definitely helps avoid losing personal time looking for every ingredient individually.

The also recommends:

There are three phases to The Master Cleanse:

  1. Ease-In: 3 Days of Slowly removing processed foods from your diet.
  2. The Lemonade Diet: 10 Days to Lose Weight Fast, and Feel Great At Last
  3. Ease-Out3 Days of slowly eating more and more complex foods.

But because I am suicidal most of the time (this is just a figure of speech) I did not do the slow removal of foods from my diet, but did it all at once. As I mentioned earlier, I am not new to multiple miracle diets, and I've cut off food for good multiple times to try new shakes etc.

So Day 1: Sea salt water.

People mention everywhere this is one of the most disgusting things they've tried in their lives. After reading the MC flush tips I was a little scared of trying it myself. To make the experience a little less painful they recommend:

Salt Water Flush tips:

There are few common tricks to ” getting it down” and here is the list:
  • 1. You can try brushing your teeth with a really minty (if posible organic) tooth paste before you drink the mixture. This one works quite well.
  • 2. Some people find quite a bit of success with drinking it warm and pretending/ visualizing it’s a chicken broth.
  • 3. My personal favourite was having a spoon dipped in maple syrup ready after each time I would take a drink. By licking the spoon a little, my mind would concentrate on the strong flavour of maple syrup and be distracted from the saltiness.
  • 4. I also heard about people sipping the salty mixture through a straw.
  • 5. You can add a little bit of fresh lemon juice to change the salty taste.

I decided I wanted the full experience first hand so did none of the above. Went straight to the kitchen, poured myself a glass of room temperature water and measured 2 teaspoons of sea salt. Mixed it evenly and  went straight back to my room with the glass. I looked at it for about 5 minutes trying to woman up -- did a lot of quick breathing as to hyperventilate myself so I wouldn't have to inhale while I was drinking and down it went.

I cannot say it was the most disgusting experience in my life, but definitely a weird one. So much salt in the mouth at the time is definitely something new. Anyway -- you're supposed to start having some mild bowel movement and then severe about an hour later so waiting to see how it goes... I am starting to feel some mild cramping so really hope this works.

Only doing it for 3 days, even when it is recommended for at least 10 since the fat loss factor program suggests this must be done from 3 to 10 days. If you feel good with that you can go on.

I will post again on my experience after the salt water and the lemonade.. folks also say it is not the tastiest of beverages out there LOL, we'll see.

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